how to stay poor

@AlexHormozi : How to stay poor

  • Start tomorrow. 明天再开始。🕰️
  • Read books. Do Nothing. 阅读书籍。什么都不做。📚
  • Take advice from poor people on how to get rich. 向穷人求教如何致富。
  • Pick a spouse who makes you feel guilty about working. 选择一个让你为工作感到内疚的配偶。
  • Fail once, quit forever. 失败一次,永远放弃。🚫
  • Blame your circumstances. 归咎于你的环境。🏚️
  • Wait for perfect conditions. 等待完美的条件。⏳
  • Blame others. 归咎于他人。
  • Expect the government to save you. 期待政府来拯救你。🏛️
  • Value the opinions of others over your own. 将他人的观点置于自己之上。👥
  • Complain. 抱怨。😤
  • Avoid discomfort. 避免不适。
  • Need immediate reward for working. 需要立即得到工作的回报。
  • Tolerate mediocrity. 容忍平庸。😑
  • Make promises. Break promises. 承诺。然后打破承诺。
  • Prioritize looking rich over being rich. 优先看起来富有而不是真正富有。💸
  • Work hard on stuff that doesn’t matter. 在无关紧要的事情上努力工作。
  • Say you’re going to do something. Don’t do it. 说你要做某件事。然后不做。🤥
  • Wait until you’re “ready” 等到你“准备好”再开始。⏰
  • Do 99% work. Expect 1% results. 做99%的工作。期待1%的结果。📉
  • Do “your best” rather than “whatever it takes”. 做“你最好的”而不是“不惜一切代价”。
  • Say that you’re only poor because you’re “not willing to sacrifice your morals.” 说你只是因为“不愿意牺牲你的道德”而穷。😇
  • Talk a lot. Do nothing. 说很多。什么都不做。🗣️
  • Start something new today. Start something new tomorrow. Repeat. 今天开始新的事物。明天开始新的事物。重复。🔄
  • Think that you should be ‘trading stocks’ when you don’t even have a stable income. 认为你应该在没有稳定收入的情况下“交易股票”。
  • Make mistake. Repeat mistake. 犯错误。重复错误。🔄
  • Find something that works. Stop doing it. 找到有效的方法。然后停止使用。🚫
  • Assume you’re always right. 假设你总是对的。💭
  • Take it personally when someone disagrees. Then, get emotional. 当有人不同意时,把它当作个人攻击。然后,变得情绪化
  • Increase your income. Increase your expenses even more. 赚的多,花的更多。