Telegram Desktop

Keyboard Shortcuts


Shortcut Action
Up/Down In-Chat Navigation
Up/Down/Left/Right Suggested Stickers Navigation
Left/Right Suggested Emojis Navigation
Ctrl Tab Move to the Chat Below
Ctrl Shift Tab Move to the Chat Above
Esc Exit
Esc Go Back
Esc Cancel Current Action
Ctrl O Send File


Shortcut Action
Ctrl Up/Down Reply to a Message
Ctrl Down Cancel Reply
Up Edit Last Message Sent
Del Delete Currently Selected Message
Ctrl E Edit Media
Ctrl (click gif) Send GIF Directly
Ctrl (click name) Open Bot Profile via Inline Message
Shortcut Action
Ctrl F Search Selected Chat
Esc Exit Search

QuickShare Panel

Shortcut Action
Up/Down Navigate
Enter Select Chat
Backspace Remove Chat
Ctrl Enter Send Message

Jump to

Shortcut Action
Alt Enter Jump to the bottom of the chat
Alt Enter Scroll the chat list to the top
Ctrl 0 Jump to your saved messages
Ctrl 1-5 Jump between folders
Ctrl Shift Down Jump to the next folder
Ctrl Shift Up Jump to the previous folder
Shortcut Action
Ctrl W Minimize to System Tray
Ctrl Q Quit Telegram
Ctrl L Lock Telegram
Ctrl M Minimize Telegram

Selected Text

Shortcut Action
Ctrl B Bold
Ctrl I Italic
Ctrl K Create Link
Ctrl U Underline
Ctrl Shift M Monospace
Ctrl Shift N Null / Plain Text
Ctrl Shift X Strikethrough

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